The Wall Ukraine, as an international business association of builders, developers, financiers, investors, statesmen, scientists, creative professionals, has the opportunity to visit and get acquainted with the best projects of the developed countries of the world. Often this direction of travel is usually called simply – “industrial” or “industrial” tourism.

Industrial business tourism is not a classic tourism destination that we are used to. This is the search and research of construction sites, factories, plants, industrial facilities, exchange of experience and opportunities.

The Wall Ukraine has declared this direction of support for its residents before. Now, as part of the development strategy of the association, we have successfully improved it, taking into account the conditions of coronacrisis.

Now we are pleased to announce that, together with our Chinese partners, we have collected the most interesting places for an industrial tour in Beijing, which is planned after the quarantine eases and the situation stabilizes.

Within the framework of business tours from The Wall Ukraine, visitors are shown several objects. The guides are the local workers themselves with knowledge of the language, who have the necessary professional level and knowledge to fully tell the guests about production technologies and their specifics.

Those who enter the leading Chinese enterprises for the first time will be able to get an exciting experience of how things actually work there. We know from our own experience that the automation of construction production, the scale of their projects, the introduction of a new level of technology captures from the first seconds of stay at Chinese facilities. Residents who were lucky enough to be with us on an industrial tour, at least a month after the trip, had a number of topics for discussion with their development directors, technologists, designers, logisticians and other specialists of the company.

Although Ukraine is just beginning its active path and the development of industrial tourism, this type of business activity, in particular from the residents of The Wall Ukraine, is gaining popularity.

What objects and in which countries would you like to visit?